Microbiologists (1) | Examples of questions help you solve the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) questions

 Health Specialists
Microbiology Technologist
Medical Microbiology, with STUDENT CONSULT. Murray, P. R., Rosenthal, K. S., and Pfaller, M. A..

Exam Blueprint
Evaluation Item
Relative Percentage
Passing Score
(100 MCQs,
2 ½ hours)

1.     Lab Safety
2.     Quality Control
3.     Ethics
4.     Bacteriology
5.     Virology
6.     Mycology
7.     Immunology
8.     Parasitology
9.     Mycobacteria

Last Updated: Tuesday 21 February 2017

Medical Microbiology (1)
  Choose the most appropriate single answer.

    1.      All are Prokaryotic cells except:
a.      Fungi
b.      Bacteria
c.      Chlamydia
d.      Mycoplasma

    2.     Viruses:
a.      Contain only DNA or RNA
b.      They Contain ribosome
c.      Did not affected by antibiotics
d.      a&c

    3.     All of these are essential structure except:
a.      Nuclear body
b.      Spores
c.      Cell wall
d.      Plasma Membrane

   4.     …………..is giving the shape to the bacteria
a.      Cytoplasmic Membrane
b.      Capsule
c.      Cell Wall
d.      All of the above

5.     One of its functions is selective permeability
a.      Cell wall
b.      Plasma membrane
c.      Capsule
d.      Spores

6.     They are responsible for Haemagglutination Phenomenon
a.      Flagella
b.      Fimbria
c.      Capsule
d.      Cell wall

7.     Clostridium Tetani is:
a.      Atrichous bacteria
b.      Mono-trichous bacteria
c.      Amphi-trichous bacteria
d.      Peri-trichous bacteria

8.     Short curved or straight rods, motile by single polar flagellum
a.      spirochaeta
b.      Vibrio
c.      Escherichia
d.      Lactobacillus

9.     Small gram negative cocci, occur in pairs
a.      staphylococcus
b.      streptococcus
c.      neisseria
d.      Non of the above

10.       Transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another by bacteriophages is:
a.      Transformation
b.      Transduction
c.      Conjugation
d.      Mutation

11.       Salmonella are:
a.      Obligatory Aerobic bacteria
b.      Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
c.      Facultative Anaerobic bacteria
d.      Micro-aerophilic bacteria

12.       According to pH, vibrio cholera is
a.      Osmophilic bacteria
b.      Alkalophilic bacteria
c.      Acidophilic bacteria
d.      Neutrophilic bacteria

13.       Staphylococci are:
a.      Atrichous bacteria
b.      Mono-trichous bacteria
c.      Amphi-trichous bacteria
d.      Peri-trichous bacteria

14.       During replication of DNA, copying errors may occur and this is called
a.      Conjugation
b.      Transduction
c.      Transformation
d.      Mutation

15.       Obligatory Anaerobic bacteria
a.      Grow only in presence of oxygen
b.      Grow only in absence of oxygen
c.      Grow either in presence or absence of oxygen
d.      Grow in presence of oxygen traces and 5 – 10% CO2

16.       Neutrophilic bacteria grow well at
a.      pH 8.5 – 9.0
b.      pH 7.2 – 7.4
c.      pH 5.0 – 5.5
d.      pH 2.5 – 3.0

17.       The rate of cell death increase and bacterial growth stopped, this is
a.      Adaptation phase
b.      Exponential phase.
c.      Stationary phase.
d.      Decline Phase

18.       Beta-hemolytic
a.      Cause complete hemolysis of RBC’s
b.      Cause chemical change of Hemoglobin in RBC’s
c.      Do not cause hemolysis
d.      None of them

19.       Mesophilic bacteria grow at:
a.      37  °C
b.      14  °C
c.      60   °C
d.      120 °C

20.       Circulation of Bacteria and its toxins in blood
a.      Pyaemia
b.      Toxemia
c.      Bacteremia - without toxins
d.     Septicemia

21.     Disinfections that applied on living or injured tissues:
a.      Sterilization
b.      Antiseptic
c.      Sanitation
d.      Decontamination

   22.      Hot air oven is used for sterilization of
a.      Glass
b.      Rubber Gloves
c.      Plastic Syringes
d.     Catheters

   23.      Disinfectant for superficial fungal infection
a.      Phenol
b.      Potassium permanganate
c.      Chlorine
d.      Hypochlorite compounds

24.       Rifampin
a.      inhibit cell wall synthesis
b.      inhibit protein synthesis
c.      inhibit folic acid pathway
d.      inhibit mRNA synthesis

25.       Transacetylase inactivate
a.      aminoglycosides
b.      chloramphenicol
c.      penicillin
d.      cephalosporins

26.       The color of gram positive bacteria is
a.      Yellow
b.      Black.
c.      Pink
d.     Violet

27.       Selective media for fungi
a.      blood agar
b.      Mac Conkey agar
c.      Nutrient agar
d.      Sabourand’s dextrose agar

28.       Histoplasma is a :
a.      Systemic mycosis
b.      Sub – Cutaneous mycosis
c.      Cutaneous mycosis
d.      Superficial mycosis

29.       All are asexual spores produced by mould except
a.      Conidiospores
b.      Sporangiospores
c.      Endospores
d.      Arthrospores

30.       They reproduce only by Asexual reproduction
a.      Blastomyces
b.      Deuteromycetes
c.      Ascomycetes
d.     Zygomycetes

31.       The functions of cell wall is all of the following except:
a.      Giving the shape to the bacteria
b.      Carrying somatic antigen
c.      Selective permeability& transport of solutes = plasma membrane
d.      Protect the bacteria from plasmolysis

32.       Atrichous Bacteria are:
a.      Bacteria contain one flagellum
b.      Bacteria contain 2 flagella
c.      Bacteria without flagella
d.      Bacteria with a tuft of flagella

33.       ……………. are essential for host cell attachment:
a.      Flagella
b.      Fimbria
c.      Spores
d.      Capsules

34.       Irregular clusters of spherical cells:
a.      Streptococcus
b.      Staphylococcus
c.      Lactobacillus
d.      Escherichia

35.       Clostridium Botulinum is:
a.      Obligatory Aerobic Bacteria
b.      Facultative Anaerobic Bacteria
c.      Obligatory Anaerobic Bacteria
d.      Micro- aerophilic Bacteria

36.       Basophilic Bacteria grow well at:
a.      pH 8.5 – 9.0
b.      pH 7.2 – 7.4
c.      pH 5.0 – 5.5
d.      None of the above

37.       Cells are divided at high & constant rate:
a.      Decline Phase
b.      Stationary Phase
c.      Log Exponential Phase
d.      Adaptation Phase

38.       The dominant bacterial species in dental plaque are:
a.      Coagulase Negative Staphylococci
b.      Lactobacillus
c.      Bacteroides
d.      Streptococcus Sanguis

39.       The spread of Pyogenic Bacteria in blood stream to different organs & produce multiple abscess is:
a.      Septicemia
b.      Bacteremia
c.      Toxemia
d.      Pyaemia

40.       Inhibit the growth of micro organisms
a.      Bacteriostatic
b.      Bactericidal
c.      Fungicidal
d.      Germicidal

41.       To sterilize fluid damaged by heat:
a.      Gaseous Sterilization
b.      Heat Sterilization
c.      Filtration
d.      Ionizing Radiation

42.       For water disinfection we use:
a.      Hydrogen peroxide
b.      Formaldehyde
c.      Chlorine
d.      Hypochlorite compounds

43.       Mechanism of action of penicillin:
a.      Block peptidoglycan synthesis
b.      Inhibit peptidoglycan cross – linking
c.      inhibit folic acid pathway
d.      inhibit protein synthesis

44.       Sulfonamides:
a.      inhibit cell wall synthesis
b.      inhibit protein synthesis
c.      inhibit DNA synthesis
d.      inhibit folic acid pathway

45.       Which of the following have characteristic intracellular inclusion bodies?
a.      Candida
b.      Chlamydia
c.      Escherichia
d.      Mycoplasma
e.      Rickettsia

46.       Ringworm disease is caused by
a.      Zygomycetes
b.      Ascomycetes
c.      Blastomycosis
d.      None of the above

    47.  ………… preparation is used for the rapid detection of fungal elements in clinical specimen
a.      NaOH
b.      K OH
c.      H2 O2
d.      All of the above

48.       In the past they were listed as large viruses
a.      Richettsia
b.      Mycoplasma
c.      Chlamydia
d.      None of the above

49.       They are transmitted by arthropods
a.      Chlamydia
b.      Spirochetes
c.      Mycoplasma
d.      All of the above

50.       Bacteria multiply by:
                 a.      Replication cycle
                 b.      Simple binary fission
                 c.      Sexual reproduction
                 d.      All of the above




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